12 Aug 2010

Definisi "Melayu"

Definisi menurut Perkara 160 Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia:
“Orang Melayu” ertinya seseorang yang menganuti agama Islam, lazim bercakap bahasa Melayu, menurut adat Melayu dan—
(a) yang lahir sebelum Hari Merdeka di Persekutuan atau Singapura atau yang lahir sebelum Hari Merdeka dan ibu atau bapanya telah lahir di Persekutuan atau di Singapura, atau yang pada Hari Merdeka berdomisil di Persekutuan atau di Singapura; atau
(b) ialah zuriat seseorang yang sedemikian;
Bagaimanapun, “A Malaysia citizen who cannot speak fluently in Malay language because she live abroad, or maybe did not being educated with Malay culture and Tradition, but, being born by Chinese mother and Malay father is also considered Malay.”
Malah, “In Malaysia, the Malay population is defined by Article 160 of the Malaysian Constitution as someone born to a Malaysian citizen who professes to be a Muslim, habitually speaks the Malay language, adheres to Malay customs, and is domiciled in Malaysia or Singapore. This definition is loose enough to include people of a variety of ethnic backgrounds, and it therefore differs from the anthropological understanding of what constitutes an ethnic Malay. This understanding of the meaning of "Malay" in Malaysia has led to the creation of an ethnoreligious identity, where it has been suggested that a Malay cannot convert out of Islam.”

Video - Non Malay Speaking Malays (27 February 2013)

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